ove bang in Chinese
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- ove
- 奥地利电机技士协会; 奥韦; 奥沃; 琴谱
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- ove hygum
- 奥韦许古姆
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- bang
- vt. 1.咚地敲(鼓等);当地撞(钟等);轰地开(炮等);砰地关上(门等)。 2.粗手粗脚地摆弄。 3.〔俚语〕痛打,重打。 4.〔俚语〕胜过,超过。 vi. 1.(钟等)当当响;(炮等)轰地放;(门等)砰地关上 (to). 2.砰砰作响。 短语和例子 bang (oneself) against 砰地撞上,碰在…上。 Bang away at 1. 专心致...
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- then bang
- 突然轰然一响
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- bang bang
- bang变变变; ○; 开关原理
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- bang-bang
- 战争影片。
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- jan ove waldner
- 扬奥韦瓦尔德内尔
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What is the meaning of ove bang in Chinese and how to say ove bang in Chinese? ove bang Chinese meaning, ove bang的中文,ove bang的中文,ove bang的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.